Meuse valley
Romanesque | 12th Century
Blue stone | Carved in high relief
H. 35 cm. W. 60 cm. D. 25 cm. | On later base
By repute collection of Baron van den Bogaerde van Terbrugge | Castle Heeswijk | The Netherlands
Collection F.E.G. Lingg | Oss | The Netherlands | With inventory card | As Mosan 11th century
Tollenaere, Lisbeth (1955). ‘Les fonts romans de l’ancienne église Saint-Maurice à Sclayn’ In: Namurcum, XXIV, 1955, n° 1, pp. 1-5
Ghislain, Jean-Claude (2008). Les fonts baptimaux romans en pierre bleue des ateliers du Namurois (ca. 1150-1175). Namur, p. 198
A fragment of a large Baptismal Font, originally from the ‘five pillar’-type, as evident from the shape of its base. The decoration consists of stylised water flowers with scrolling stems, referring to the function of the font. Both the shape, size and decoration of the present fragment is very similar to that the 12th century Mosan baptismal font, originally from the Saint-Maurice church in Sclayn and now kept in the collection of the Musée des Arts anciens du Namurois in Namur (Tollenaere, 1955, pp. 1-5; Ghislain, 2008, p. 198; TreM.a cat. nr. 20; kik/irpa object nr. 10139683). This impressive fragment comes from the collection of Frits Lingg, who by repute aquired it from the renowned stone collection of Baron van den Bogaerde van Terbrugge, originally kept a Castle Heeswijk in the Netherlands.